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Mingtai Aluminum ABS certification 5083-O state marine aluminum plate won the Brazilian customer


2023-10-19 14:38

Recently, Mingtai Aluminum seized 50 tons of 5083-O state marine aluminum plate and exported it to Brazil.

When the customer first consulted in October, he indicated that he needed ABS Norwegian Classification Society certified marine aluminum plate. The specific specifications and alloys were undetermined, but the required strength was higher and the corrosion resistance was good. After understanding the customer's needs, the business manager combined the many use cases and the actual requirements of the customer, recommended the 5083-H116 aluminum plate to the customer, and mailed the sample. After the customer sample, there is a break after the feedback bend. After the business manager learned the situation in detail, he conducted in-depth communication with the company's senior technical staff. Finally, the customer recommended the sample of the 5083-O state aluminum plate according to the actual needs of the customer. After mailing to Brazil, the customer carried out the second sample and sample. Fully meet customer bending and rust requirements.

 5083 Aluminum plate

Mingtai Aluminum-5083-O state marine aluminum plate

Although the product fully meets the user's needs, but because the customer needs long-term procurement, the supplier's qualifications and strength requirements are higher, and the customer has put forward the requirements of the inspection. After coming to the factory, the business manager took the customer to visit the old factory and the high-precision branch factory in Gongyi. After hearing about the aluminum processing enterprises that Mingtai Aluminum has gained in domestic and international reputation, the field visits let customers "seeing is believing" and have a personal experience of Mingtai's strength and professionalism. After returning home, the customer immediately gave the first 50 tons of 5083 marine aluminum plate to our company and expressed our gratitude to our business manager for their professionalism and patience.

Mingtai Aluminum is China's top ten aluminum foil and foil manufacturer, large listed company with strong production capacity. The company's marine aluminum plate is certified by CCS China Classification Society and ABS Norwegian Classification Society. In addition to the 5083 marine aluminum plate, the company also It can produce 5086 marine aluminum plate, 5052 marine aluminum plate, as well as marine ribs and five-strand anti-slip aluminum plates. The ship plate can be up to 2600mm wide. It is one of the few manufacturers in China that can make ultra-wide marine aluminum plates.

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